Mass, Liturgy and Collective Worship

Throughout the year we have a variety of different masses and liturgies which we welcome parents and families to attend, as well as members of the parish. We celebrate Mass together and have whole school liturgies linked to the Church’s seasons.

Collective Worship

Our School has a culture of prayer, which is central to everyday life at our school. Daily we say morning, lunch time  and end of day prayers as well as other prayers when applicable.

Children throughout the school lead Collective Worship in their classes, to other classes and to the rest of the school. Children plan,  prepare lead and evaluate  their own collective worship, choosing themes, readings and music. 

Collective Worship:

Our children enjoy leading whole school Collective Worship where they share all they have found out in their recent topics. Collective Worship is planned using the Extra-Ordo-nary Calendar from the St Thomas Aquinas CMAT , which gives a weekly theme on which to focus our worship.

Class collective worship is planned and delivered progressively as children move throughout the school. Children make use of a range of resources including ‘Let us Pray 2Gether’ resources which aid progression and further support independence in the planning stage of worship.

We use these resources to plan our collective worships at school. Maybe you could plan and carry out a collective worship with your family at home?

Stations of the Cross

Each class have prepared their own version of Stations of the Cross to share with each other as we journey through Lent:

Wednesday Word

Each week we read and reflect on the Wednesday Word in school. Please see the copy of this weeks Wednesday Word to share at home:

Wednesday Word

First Holy Communion

Preparation Sessions at our Lady of Lourdes Ashby after the 10.00 am Mass: Dates to be confirmed.