Our Mission Statement:

”Let all that you do be done in love.

Love is made possible with respect.”  St Charles Borromeo.

Our school is both a place of prayer and worship. The Catholic Life of the school is integral to what we do at St. Charles and runs through all aspects of school life.

Our mission is lived out every minute of every day in classrooms, in the staffroom, in the playground and of course during liturgies and Mass.

We have a welcoming, caring community built on Christian values, where all members, adults and children, are valued and encouraged to achieve their potential as children of God.

At St Charles’ we pray, love and learn together as one school family, with Christ at our centre. The Catholic identity and ethos is explicit through the learning environment, chaplaincy provision and community cohesion. We create and experience joy every day in our home, our school and our parish.

The children who attend our school live in the Catholic Parish of  St Charles Borromeo, National Forest.

At St. Charles’ we acknowledge that all individuals are unique and created in the image and likeness of God. Our Catholic faith is at the very heart of our school and is evident as soon as you step through our doors in what you see, hear and feel inside our school building. The Gospel message of Jesus is reflected in our daily life in school. We work very hard to treat everyone in school with care and respect just as Jesus taught us to.

Our close link with the Parish of St Charles Borromeo (National Forest), is very important to us and our school. We work closely with our Father Andrew and other members of the Parish who are regular visitors in our school.
Our faith is put in to action regularly throughout the day through the daily acts of collective worship. Assemblies and prayer services throughout the week are rooted in the teachings of Jesus and the Gospel values.

Our children are taught to become kind, respectful, forgiving and caring young people. Great care is taken to make links between the Gospels and our day to day behaviour and treatment of others.

Jesus is at the heart of our school and as such we welcome and value equally all members of our school community, Catholics and non Catholics alike.

Other Faiths at St Charles:

Our school respects and learns about other faiths with a focus in the Advent Term on Judaism and one other  world faith (as outlined in the ‘Come and See’ RE Curriculum). Children recap their knowledge on other faiths on a weekly basis throughout the year, through knowledge retrieval in  RE lessons. To enrich our learning about other faiths, Key Stage 2 have enjoyed a ‘Faith Walk’ school trip , where they learnt about and visited a Mosque and Hindu Temple.