Curriculum Overview
St Charles Catholic Primary School: Curriculum Statement
At St Charles’ Catholic Primary our Catholic ethos is at the heart of everything we do, with Christ at our centre our curriculum is rooted in the Gospel values. Our school vision and values are central to our ethos and we place a focus on developing children’s moral, spiritual, social and cultural understanding recognising that everyone has the right to be treated with respect and dignity.
St Charles’ promotes a highly inclusive environment where learners enjoy their education and each child is recognised individually as being made in the image and likeness of God. We challenge learners at all levels so that the most able pupils expand their skills and knowledge and apply this to different contexts, and those who find learning more difficult are given targeted support to ensure they develop fundamental skills based on their own individual needs. The school curriculum reflects the requirements to provide a broad and balanced curriculum as per the Academies Act 2010, and the National Curriculum programmes of study which is the basis for our curriculum. It also reflects requirements for inclusion and equality as set out in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2014 and Equality Act 2010, and refers to curriculum-related expectations of governing boards set out in the Department for Education’s Governance Handbook.