Our school uniform at St Charles consists of:
Uniform list:
- White cotton shirt
- Blue stripped tie
- Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
- Grey skirt or pinafore dress
- Grey school trousers or grey school shorts
- Grey or white socks or grey tights
- Sensible black shoes
- Blue and white checked gingham dresses in warm weather

PE and Games kit:
- Plain white t-shirt or t-shirt with school logo
- Blue school sweatshirt of blue school hoodie
- Black shorts
- Black jogging or tracksuit bottoms
- Black Plimsoles for PE.
- Trainers can be worn for outdoor use.
School sweatshirts, cardigans, ties and PE shirts with embroidered school badge can be ordered through the school office. Book bags and PE bags are also available.
Please view our uniform policy