Religious Education
We prioritise Religious Education ; collective worship plays a large role within school and children and adults come together to lead and pray regularly, which children foremost taking leadership and ownership of this for our school community using the Catholic Church’s Ordo and ‘Let us Pray’ resources.
As a Catholic School we are required to dedicate 10% of our timetable to RE. As part of the Nottingham Diocese, we follow the ‘Come and See’ religious education programme. ‘Come and See’ invites pupils to explore the religious aspects of life, dignity and purpose within the Catholic tradition. Pupils reflect on personal experiences and links are made with the Catholic faith as well as other faith traditions. A variety of teaching methods and resources are used, including stories from the Bible, songs and hymns, role play, liturgical dance, creative activities, videos and discussion.
The pupils study three themes each term, the themes are:
- Advent term: Our church – Family, Baptism and Confirmation – Belonging, Advent and Christmas – Loving.
- Lent term: Local church – Community, Eucharist – Relating, Lent and Easter – Giving.
- Pentecost term: Pentecost – Serving, Reconciliation – Inter-relating, Universal church – World.
You can find out more about the ‘Come and See’ scheme here.
Further information on our R.E. Curriculum , including the current topics, can be found below and in the half-termly newsletters sent home to each class.