While we recognise that the internet is a wonderful tool used to enhance learning, we are also aware of the potential dangers which children can face;
“As in any other area of life, children and young people are vulnerable and may expose themselves to danger – knowingly or unknowingly – when using the Internet and other digital technologies. Indeed, some young people may find themselves involved in activities which are inappropriate or possibly illegal.” (Safeguarding Children in a Digital World. BECTA 2006)
Our aim is to equip the children with the knowledge and skills that will help keep them safe whilst using the Internet. The most important thing we can do is to talk to our children about their internet usage, and importance of online safety.
Children are encouraged to follow the SMART Rules:
S- Stay Safe
M- Don’t Meet Up with people
A- Don’t Accept any files you’re not sure about
R- Remember, not all information on the Internet is Reliable.
T- Tell an adult when you’re unsure about something.
There are a variety of different websites which can be used to promote online safety: